Do You Know How to Change a Flat Tyre?
October 3rd, 2020

If you were to suddenly get a flat tyre on your way to work tomorrow, would you be able to swap it out with your spare? Sure, you could probably do a quick YouTube search, but is squinting at your phone screen, while stuck on the side of the road, in the rain, with cars whizzing past at 65 mph really the best solution?
Even if you do know how to change a flat tyre, are you physically able to? Have you ever actually tried to pry off a stuck lug nut? Or spent time jacking up a car? How about hefting your spare tire out of the boot?
Don’t worry, you are not alone. In fact, only 1 in 3 people have actually changed a tyre and nearly 50% are physically incapable of changing a tyre. Spare tyres are an antiquated solution to a flat tyre emergency. The easiest, quickest and safest way to get out of a flat tyre emergency is with a Flat Tyre Repair Kit.
Flat Tyre Repair Kits are an all-in-one tire repair solution. They typically contain tyre repair sealant and a tyre inflator. Entry-level kits require you to use the individual components separately. First you install the sealant, then you attach the inflator and air up.
Premium repair kits are fully contained in one unit. Simply connect the device and it simultaneously injects repair sealant and airs up your tire with the push of a button. These one-step repair kits are easier to use and traditionally repair your tyre faster, so you can get off the side of the road quicker.

Finally, when selecting a flat tyre repair kit, look for ones with replaceable refill bottles or cartridges, so you can extend the life of your kit.
It is time for flat tyre repair to evolve! Look for Flat Tyre Repair Kits that make dealing with a flat tyre emergency easier and faster.